How Do We Know?
Recently, I had an email from a committed, devoted, walking-the-walk friend. He writes a devotional email every day. After lifting up the prayer needs of others, he asked his readers to pray for him as he discerns God’s voice and has the courage to follow. His request has led me to wonder, “How can we know if we are doing the “right” things or not as we go through life?” It is a question we might want to ask often. The question alone keeps us focused on God and God’s purposes.
I offer these suggestions:
1. Pray and be assured God will answer in God’s time.
2. Ask yourself if this activity seems to fit with God’s Biblical promise that God wants what is good for you: You are fearfully and wonderfully made, in my image. Your body is a temple.
3. Be assured that just because you do not see actual, measurable results, the good that you do is felt by others.
4. Think of your life and our lives together in the world as pebbles being thrown in a pond. What you do daily causes a ripple. Even the smallest drop of water causes a ripple in a pond! Together, ripples lead to sustainable waves, with God’s help.
5. Be patient with yourself and with the process. Chances are you took time to discern God’s purpose in the first place; be willing to wait again.
6. While you are waiting, know that you are not alone. “I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” “Lo, I am with you, even to the end of the age.”
As we stay busy at the church with new electricity, new kitchen, new entry, praising God in all we do, may we continue to draw nearer to God every day. As you make decisions in your daily life, may you also draw nearer to God every day.
Let’s do it together! Love, Lucia