Thursday, October 01, 2009

A Word from Your Pastor


As we make progress on our three phase construction project at the church: electrical, kitchen, and new rear entry, I am struck by the similarity to rebuilding our inner selves that we must do as Christians. It is a tenet of our faith that Christ makes all things new! (Rev. 21:5-7) This promise applies to God’s beloved children. We too are made new. But such newness requires our being intentional. Here are some tips as we redo and renew our spiritual lives:

1. Be willing to take a risk. The road less traveled often has the biggest potholes but the greatest reward.
2. Know that you are not alone. In fact, resist going it alone. No one is an island. Lean on others for support. Lean on your church for support.
3. Be willing to go deeper still. The possibilities are endless when we open ourselves to the power of the Holy Spirit. As tempting as a surface relationship with God may be, it does not have the power of a deeper relationship. So go deeper still. What do I mean by this? Ask yourself: what do I personally need to do to get to know God better and produce fruit in my relationship with God? And then do that. It may be reading your Bible and making some decisions on better ways to live. It may be getting on your knees in prayer or getting back to church. It may be attending Sunday school or volunteering to help someone. Talk it over with someone if you want to. Sometimes, two heads are clearer than one.

Last week when flipping through a calendar/journal, I was blessed to run across a quote I had used in the yearbook when I graduated from high school in 1979. I never knew who said it, but now I do, and it rings truer than ever:

"I don’t want to merely possess a faith; I want a faith to possess me."
Charles Kingsley (1819-1875)

As we consider God’s plan for us to Redo and Renew, may we wholly rely on God’s power and love. Together, we are made new, one light bulb at a time!

Grace and Peace,