A Word from the Pastor
Journey to the Cross and the Empty Tomb
Lent is a time to take the time
to let the power of our faith story take hold of us,
A time to let the events get up and walk around in us,
A time to intensify our living unto Christ,
A time to hover over the thoughts of our hearts,
A time to place our feet in the streets of Jerusalem
or to walk along the sea and listen to his word.
A time to touch his robe and feel the healing surge through us,
A time to ponder and a time to wonder...
Lent is a time to allow a fresh new taste of God!
(Ann Weems, Searching for Shalom)
Here we are, just on this side of Easter. Where do you find yourself? Have you taken time out of the hectic pace to contemplate God’s leading Spirit? Or instead, do you feel like you are being carried by busyness or dejection? Are you overworked or under whelmed? It isn’t too late. In fact, it is never too late. Begin anew. Read again the poem above on Lent. Let the words wash over you. Now is the time to let the events of the Passion story “get up and walk around in us”. I just love that! Now is the time to walk the journey with Jesus: breathe in the smells, see the sights, feel the dirt under your feet (remember sandals only!), feel the cloak of Jesus and the weight of the cross. Now is the time. Our journey has begun. We’ll take it together, ever under girded by God’s gracious hand. Here these words of Zechariah: “Not by my might or power, Lord, but by your Spirit, I will entrust my dreams to you, and walk the pathway of success.” Look out; God is making all things new, not by our power or might, but by God’s good grace through Jesus Christ our Lord, now and forever!
I look forward to celebrating World Day of Prayer, Maundy Thursday, and Resurrection Day with each of you!
May God’s peace dwell in you richly,