Thursday, January 31, 2008


MARCH 7TH 10am

PSALM 25:4-5

Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.

I had absolute joy when I came to Bridgeport for the first time and “discovered” the World Day of Prayer. I had for some years celebrated National Day of Prayer in May gathered around the flagpole in Trophy Club near Metroport Meals On Wheels, where I worked, but had never heard of World Day of Prayer. But God had something to teach me (lots of things, actually!) The first year I was here, we went to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Paradise. Last year, to First Methodist, Decatur, and now this year our church has the privilege of hosting this annual event for a second time. This is a sacred opportunity to come together as one body, to ask for God’s blessing all across the globe and locally, to seek God’s guidance, and to worship with our whole selves, meeting God in what ever way we need to that day. My prayer is that you will come, that you will invite others to come, and that you will experience the love and peace of God that no rain, fire, wind, loss, or anything else can destroy.

Teach us your paths, O God!

May God’s peace and grace be yours, now and always!



Who knows where we are going unless we take a look back to where we have been? There is no easier way than to look at the pictures (big surprise!).
We began 2007 with a visit from Grace Presbytery’s Rick Carus who was here for the Lord’s Supper and our Annual Congregational Meeting! We elected two new elders: Avis and Marie (thank you for saying yes!). Avis was ordained and both were installed. February brought a Valentine Party and farewell to Bindu, Royce, and Joel Victor who returned to India after graduation in May. March began our Lenten Devotional Luncheons all the way to Easter in April, preceded by our annual Maundy Thursday service with First Methodist Church. Easter brought Resurrection Celebration and a visit from the Rabbit! An Easter egg hunt and lots of goodies were delicious!
In May, we celebrated Mishi and Becca’s graduations with Master’s Degrees! Congratulations! Both are working in the Metroplex. Praise be to God! June brought a trip to Mo Ranch (Mishi’s first; now she’s sold on it!) Let’s plan to go in 2008. Also in June, we enjoyed our annual picnic and swim party. Thank you, Jimmy and Janis July wrapped up with Vacation Bible School where volunteers and children gave in love to one another. The theme was “Lift Off: Soaring to New Heights with God” Main verse was Psalm 25:5 “Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation. August and September were delicious with our Annual Ice Cream Social and Men’s Breakfast (Yum!) October brought Blood Bought and Heaven Bound Live Gospel Trio and Fall Festival, costumes and all! The photos are priceless!
Thanksgiving was celebrated with homemade pumpkin pies by Von and her family and music by guest soloist Drenda McComb. Thank you, Von and Drenda.
We were called to be the church in the lives of many this fall and winter in the loss of their loved ones: Charles Bridges, Virginia Slayden, Lou Raley, Mabeth Raley, and Bonnie Joseph. We continue to pray for comfort and peace. Our Christmas Candlelight Service was beautiful as was the 60th wedding anniversary party given for Howard and Martha by their children! What fun!
Thank you all for your love and service this year. I look forward to sharing the joy in 2008! Arise, shine, your light has come!

May God bless you,
