Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Word from the Pastor

Crossing the Bridge into New Life

As we approach the season of Advent (to come), I invite you to consider an obstacle in your life that God is asking you to overcome or to let go. I remember twenty-three years ago when I was trying to finish my social work degree, I almost let my self-doubt stand in the way of accomplishing my goal. Fortunately, I was blessed with a person in my life who believed in me. With encouragement, I let go of my insecurity and finished the race. As fellow believers, we can do that for one another. We can be supportive and encouraging (to instill courage). In fact, we must do no less. Paul asserts: “in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence.” (1 Peter 3:15-16)

First, have hope; second, share your hope with another and cross the bridge into new life. There is no better time to begin than now, as we prepare for Christ’s coming. Seize the moment to begin again, in the name of Christ, who is making all things new. Near and far, we can do it together!

See you at the church house.

Love to all,


Confirmation is Underway!


What a privilege and joy to be with five young people in this year's confirmation class. We have met three times, learned the Lord's Prayer well, studied Who is a Presbyterian? and taken a mission trip to Trinity Assisted Living in costume!! It has been fun and educational, and...we have only just begun. Thank you for sharing your children! And many thanks to Carol, Mishi, Ron, Steve, and Phil for serving as sponsors. We will meet until Resurrection Sunday and appreciate each of your prayers and support.

The church is not a building;
The church is not a steeple;
The church is not a meeting place;
The church is the people!

We are the church, together!
Thanks be to God!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Word from the Pastor: Points to Ponder

Advent (to come) heralds the coming of the Messiah. It is the liturgical season before Christmas and begins November 30th this year. As a nifty way to re-member, we are publishing an Advent Devotional Book. This is simply a 26 page book (one page for each day of Advent) written by each of us during this holy season. So…we need 26 people to agree to write one page each. I will give you the texts from which to choose to be written at the top of your page. Then you will please right a devotional: something about the Advent season or about Christmases of your childhood or your adult life. It is your page, so write what is on your heart. Sign your name and then close with a prayer. There are examples of devotional books in our parlor, if you’d like to look at some. This is how a page might look:

The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. 32 He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David.
(Luke 1:30-32)

I remember as a youngster watching the annual Christmas pageant at church. I was always glad when they used a live baby for the play. Today, I think about what Mary and Joseph must have been going through. I am sure it was difficult to carry such a big responsibility. Sometimes, when I face something scary, I remember our Savior’s parents and how they somehow got through their hardships. I gain strength from their example. My prayer is that this year we will look to the Lord for strength. We may not know what is ahead, but we know who is the Head.

Lucia McKee Kremzar
Dear Lord,
Remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. Help us to reach out to others in love now and everyday, Amen.

You may email the page to me at Lemmaus0999@aol.com or put it on my desk or mail First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 625, Bridgeport Texas 76426. Anyone can participate. Please do so. We will have a nice book that each of us can use during this Advent season, as we focus on God’s amazing grace! I will have a list of the dates and Scriptures at church and will email a copy also. Just sign up for a date. I’d like to have your page in the office by October 26th so we can publish by the end of November.

Love to you all. Feel free to call me with any questions: 817-915-3558.
God bless and thank you!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Word from the Pastor

SEPTEMBER 14, 2008

Come and see what God is doing! Matt is a first year Brite Divinity School student. He is a friend and a colleague. He has worked extensively with the Emmaus community and Kairos Prison Ministry. Matt will bless us as he shares his vocations and preaches. O come, let us sing to the Lord!


O come, let us sing to the LORD;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
For the LORD is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
In his hand are the depths of the earth;
the heights of the mountains are his also.
The sea is his, for he made it,
and the dry land, which his hands have formed.
O come, let us worship and bow down,
let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!
For he is our God,
and we are the people of his pasture,
and the sheep of his hand.
O that today you would listen to his voice!

See you on September 14th! Good food and good food!

Love in Christ,


Saturday, August 09, 2008

A Word from the Pastor

Life in the Christ Lane

Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives. Bill and Gloria Gather

There are many instances in life when we get in a hurry, rush about, and forget that there is a still small voice that speaks to us. Let's start living life in the Christ lane. Then, when life's rush starts to get ahead of us, we can remember that because Christ lived, died, and rose again, we have become new persons in Christ. The old is gone. Behold, the new has come! It is because Christ holds our future that we need not fear.
Travel in the Christ lane! It's the only way to fully live.
I'll see you at the church house where we are going forth to Share the Joy!

Thanks be to God,


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Word from Your Pastor

Ice Cream, Hot Dogs, and Apple Pie

"O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the one who trusts in him." Psalm 34:8-9

As we enter the “dog days of summer”, let’s get our sunscreen ready, our new beach towels fluffed and folded, and be ready for all the good God has in store. We might catch ourselves whining about the heat, but then we remember that God is good and each of us is blessed who trusts in God. No matter what we might face this summer, what grief weighs heavy on our shoulders, what disappointments we encounter, God cares and loves us more than we can fathom.

As a young adult, I had a daydream of running through a grassy field, the wind in my hair, troubles behind me, in full embrace of life and love. Often I go back to that dream. Now, I picture myself running into God’s arms, much like Jesus playing with the young children of Judea. He told the disciples, “Let them come unto me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!” God tells each of us, “Come to me, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven. You are my children!”

So go ahead, eat the goodies of summer (sugar-free if need be) and delight in the Lord. Run into God’s arms. Share the joy with a friend, and always rejoice, for nothing will ever separate you from the love of Jesus Christ. Nothing! Ever!

"O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the one who trusts in him." Psalm 34:8-9

See you at the church house.

Love and peace,


Friday, June 06, 2008

A Word from Your Pastor


I appeal to you to remember God’s church this summer. You’ve heard the plea before. “The church still has to pay the bills even when you are on vacation!” As necessary as bill paying is, what concerns me more is how close we stay to the fount that gives us the living water of life. We need God. We need one another. We need the living water, especially when our tanks may be running dry. Stay close to the church this summer and to the people who are the church. Reach out and bring a friend to church. Introduce someone else to God again or for the first time. You may not know the difference you’ve made, but that person will. Share a lunch or a walk, smell the roses, drink the living water, serve others. You’ll be glad you did.

Happy summer! I’ll see you at the church house!

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace, (Num. 6:24-6)


A Word from Your Pastor


Never has there been a time when we need prayer more than now. Scripture, in fact, identifies our continual need to pray and in the 17th chapter of John’s gospel, Jesus gives us another model for prayer. His first model was the Lord’s Prayer. This second model teaches us how to live a life of prayer. First, Jesus petitions God to glorify Him. He knows that a life of prayer must begin by looking within. In a prior teaching moment, Jesus says, “Remove the log from your own eye before you worry about the speck in another’s!” First, we must look within in order to give God glory from the inside out. Secondly, Jesus prays to God on behalf of others: “I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but I ask you to protect them from the evil one. They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” Jesus goes to God on our behalf! This is the outward focus of prayer. We ask for help for others. By turning to God in prayer, we honestly lay who we are at Jesus’ feet and then pray for others. Thirdly, Jesus prays for unity. “The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

Our unity in Christ is the starting point for making the world a better place. Together, we do make a difference—you and I together in Christ. As we move toward summer, may we remember: pray without ceasing; give God the glory; intercede for others; pray for unity, and then get busy living for God and loving one another!

Love in Christ, always,


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Word from the Pastor

Steven Curtis Chapman has a way of encapsulating the truth.
Listen to this song and think of you!

Fingerprints of God

I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know it's true You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you Fashioned by God's hand
And perfectly planned To be just who you are
And what He's been creating Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living breathing priceless work of art...

Just look at you
You're a wonder in the making
Oh, and God's not through, no
In fact, He's just getting started...I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know it's trueYou're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God.
(by Steven Curtis Chapman, lyricsandsongs.com)

Thank you for being the church together. We have prayed together, played together, celebrated World Day of Prayer, journeyed through Holy Week, and rejoiced at Christ’s Resurrection. We have said goodbye to friends and loved ones. I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you, hear you, and share with you. Thank you. Your time, your good food, and many acts of giving from the heart are so appreciated. I count myself blessed to know each of you and pray for God’s continued guidance as we journey together. In the words of Paul,
“I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.” (Ephesians 1:16)
Love in Christ, Lucia

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Journey to the Cross and the Empty Tomb

A Word from the Pastor

Journey to the Cross and the Empty Tomb


Lent is a time to take the time
to let the power of our faith story take hold of us,
A time to let the events get up and walk around in us,
A time to intensify our living unto Christ,
A time to hover over the thoughts of our hearts,
A time to place our feet in the streets of Jerusalem
or to walk along the sea and listen to his word.
A time to touch his robe and feel the healing surge through us,
A time to ponder and a time to wonder...
Lent is a time to allow a fresh new taste of God!
(Ann Weems, Searching for Shalom)

Here we are, just on this side of Easter. Where do you find yourself? Have you taken time out of the hectic pace to contemplate God’s leading Spirit? Or instead, do you feel like you are being carried by busyness or dejection? Are you overworked or under whelmed? It isn’t too late. In fact, it is never too late. Begin anew. Read again the poem above on Lent. Let the words wash over you. Now is the time to let the events of the Passion story “get up and walk around in us”. I just love that! Now is the time to walk the journey with Jesus: breathe in the smells, see the sights, feel the dirt under your feet (remember sandals only!), feel the cloak of Jesus and the weight of the cross. Now is the time. Our journey has begun. We’ll take it together, ever under girded by God’s gracious hand. Here these words of Zechariah: “Not by my might or power, Lord, but by your Spirit, I will entrust my dreams to you, and walk the pathway of success.” Look out; God is making all things new, not by our power or might, but by God’s good grace through Jesus Christ our Lord, now and forever!

I look forward to celebrating World Day of Prayer, Maundy Thursday, and Resurrection Day with each of you!

May God’s peace dwell in you richly,

Thursday, January 31, 2008


MARCH 7TH 10am

PSALM 25:4-5

Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.

I had absolute joy when I came to Bridgeport for the first time and “discovered” the World Day of Prayer. I had for some years celebrated National Day of Prayer in May gathered around the flagpole in Trophy Club near Metroport Meals On Wheels, where I worked, but had never heard of World Day of Prayer. But God had something to teach me (lots of things, actually!) The first year I was here, we went to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Paradise. Last year, to First Methodist, Decatur, and now this year our church has the privilege of hosting this annual event for a second time. This is a sacred opportunity to come together as one body, to ask for God’s blessing all across the globe and locally, to seek God’s guidance, and to worship with our whole selves, meeting God in what ever way we need to that day. My prayer is that you will come, that you will invite others to come, and that you will experience the love and peace of God that no rain, fire, wind, loss, or anything else can destroy.

Teach us your paths, O God!

May God’s peace and grace be yours, now and always!



Who knows where we are going unless we take a look back to where we have been? There is no easier way than to look at the pictures (big surprise!).
We began 2007 with a visit from Grace Presbytery’s Rick Carus who was here for the Lord’s Supper and our Annual Congregational Meeting! We elected two new elders: Avis and Marie (thank you for saying yes!). Avis was ordained and both were installed. February brought a Valentine Party and farewell to Bindu, Royce, and Joel Victor who returned to India after graduation in May. March began our Lenten Devotional Luncheons all the way to Easter in April, preceded by our annual Maundy Thursday service with First Methodist Church. Easter brought Resurrection Celebration and a visit from the Rabbit! An Easter egg hunt and lots of goodies were delicious!
In May, we celebrated Mishi and Becca’s graduations with Master’s Degrees! Congratulations! Both are working in the Metroplex. Praise be to God! June brought a trip to Mo Ranch (Mishi’s first; now she’s sold on it!) Let’s plan to go in 2008. Also in June, we enjoyed our annual picnic and swim party. Thank you, Jimmy and Janis July wrapped up with Vacation Bible School where volunteers and children gave in love to one another. The theme was “Lift Off: Soaring to New Heights with God” Main verse was Psalm 25:5 “Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation. August and September were delicious with our Annual Ice Cream Social and Men’s Breakfast (Yum!) October brought Blood Bought and Heaven Bound Live Gospel Trio and Fall Festival, costumes and all! The photos are priceless!
Thanksgiving was celebrated with homemade pumpkin pies by Von and her family and music by guest soloist Drenda McComb. Thank you, Von and Drenda.
We were called to be the church in the lives of many this fall and winter in the loss of their loved ones: Charles Bridges, Virginia Slayden, Lou Raley, Mabeth Raley, and Bonnie Joseph. We continue to pray for comfort and peace. Our Christmas Candlelight Service was beautiful as was the 60th wedding anniversary party given for Howard and Martha by their children! What fun!
Thank you all for your love and service this year. I look forward to sharing the joy in 2008! Arise, shine, your light has come!

May God bless you,
